SUN Feiyu



Mobile: None


PhD 2010(Social and Political Thought), York University

MA 2004 (Sociology), Peking University

BA 2002(Sociology), Peking University

Work Experience

Peking University:

    Lecturer, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology

Research Interests

History of western sociological theory

Classical psychoanalysis

Phenomenological hermeneutics

Historical sociology

Courses Taught 

Undergraduate courses:

    Western Sociological Theory(Part 1&2)

    Freud and Psychoanalysis

 Graduate courses:

    Study of Western Sociological Theory

    History of Western Sociological Theory

    Study of Freudian Theory

Selected Publications (since 2017)

Feiyu, Sun. 2023. "From Social Equilibrium to Self-Production of Society: The Transition of China's Sociological Recognition on China's Society",in Handbook of Post-Western Sociology: From East Asia to Europe edited by Laurence Roulleau-Berger (CNRS/ENS de Lyon),P429-446.

Feiyu Sun. 2021. "Narcissism and Modernity:Feng Xiaoqing Study as a Starting Point" Sociological Review of China. 02 : 5-30. (in Chinese)

Feiyu Sun. 2020. "Self-preservation and sociology’s modern moral personality: Dual structure in Durkheim’s Suicide." Chinese Journal of Sociology. 6(3) : 427–456.

Feiyu Sun. 2018. "Self-Preservation and Sociology's Modern Moral-Personality: The Duel Structure in Suicide" Shehui. 38(06) : 125-154.(in Chinese)

Feiyu Sun. 2018. "Chinese Sociology: 'Chinese Learning' or 'Western Learning"' Contemporary Social Sciences. 12.

Feiyu Sun. 2017. "From Seele to Mind: A Sociological Study of Knowledge on the Rationalization of Psychoanalysis" Sociological Studies. 32(04) : 94-118+244. (in Chinese)

Feiyu Sun. 2017. "From Social Transition to Social Balance: A Summarization of Fei Xiao-tong's Thoughts before His Jiangcun Fieldwork" Sociological Review of China. 5(01) : 76-84. (in Chinese)

Feiyu Sun. 2017. "Freud's Theater of Case History: Confessor and Life World (II)" Shehui. 37(02) : 133-165. (in Chinese)

Feiyu Sun. 2017. "A Genealogy of Modern Confession:Confessor and Life World (I)" Shehui. 37(01) : 1-32. (in Chinese)


Sun, Feiyu. 2018. Fangfalun yu Shenghuo Shijie. Sanlian Press. (in Chinese)