The Peking University Journal of Sociology, published semi-annually by the Department of Sociology at Peking University, consists of a Spring and an Autumn volume. The inaugural issue was released in the first half of 2023. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the reconstruction of the Department of Sociology at Peking University and the centennial celebration of the founding of the Department of Sociology at Yenching University. This journal fully embraces Peking University's tradition of “inclusiveness,” maintaining an open approach to publication without setting barriers. The inaugural issue includes a diverse range of topics and fields, integrating both theoretical methods and qualitative and quantitative analyses. Contributors range from senior professors to undergraduate students, with formats that vary from research articles to commentaries and book reviews, showcasing a rich tapestry of academic expression. We warmly invite sociological researchers from both domestic and international spheres to submit their works, as we endeavor to make this journal a platform for new insights, the development of innovative ideas, and the establishment of new theories.